35 W 36 Street Suite 7 E,
(btw 5 & 6 Ave)
New York, 10018

212. 696. 5900

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Walk in Clinic New York:

Affordable and Quality Urgent Care Center in
Midtown Manhattan.

Walk-in-Clinic-NY is the boutique urgent care clinic in Midtown Manhattan.
We have been providing all types of non-emergency health care to New Yorkers since 2006

Experienced urgent care doctor

Experienced urgent
care doctor

Same day Appointments

Same day

Accept most insurance

Accept most

Discount for uninsured $90 credit

Discount for uninsured
$90 credit / $84 cash

SConvenient location near New York City<br/>Public Library

Convenient location
near New York City
Public Library

Care provided to 18 years of age and<br/>older

Care provided to 18
years of age and

Experienced urgent care doctor

Experienced urgent
care doctor

Same day appointments

Same day

Discount for uninsured $90 credit

Discount for uninsured
$90 credit / $84 cash

Accept most insurance

Accept most

SConvenient location near New York City<br/>Public Library

Convenient location
near New York City
Public Library

Care provided to 18 years of age and<br/>older

Care provided to 18
years of age and



People and doc
  • Checkmar Arrow 1199 SEIU
  • Checkmar Arrow AETNA
  • Checkmar Arrow Anthem Blue Cross
  • Checkmar Arrow Cigna
  • Checkmar Arrow Empire
  • Checkmar Arrow Emblem
  • Checkmar Arrow First Health
  • Checkmar Arrow Blue Cross
  • Checkmar Arrow GHI
  • Checkmar Arrow GEHA
  • Checkmar Arrow Multiplan
  • Checkmar Arrow Oxford
  • Checkmar Arrow PHCS
  • Checkmar Arrow UMR
  • Checkmar Arrow United Healthcare
  • and many others...
People and doc
  • Checkmar Arrow 1199 SEIU
  • Checkmar Arrow AETNA
  • Checkmar Arrow Anthem Blue Cross
  • Checkmar Arrow Cigna
  • Checkmar Arrow Empire
  • Checkmar Arrow Emblem
  • Checkmar Arrow First Health
  • Checkmar Arrow Blue Cross

Services and Treatments

Walk-in Clinic NY offers the following services:

Minor illness

If you have any minor illness, Walk-in Clinic NY can help:

  • Checkmar Arrow Strep throat
  • Checkmar Arrow Sore throat
  • Checkmar Arrow Sinus congestion
  • Checkmar Arrow Flu
  • Checkmar Arrow COVID-19
  • Checkmar Arrow Cough
  • Checkmar Arrow Bronchitis
  • Checkmar Arrow Upper respiratory infection
  • Checkmar Arrow Pinkeye and stye
  • Checkmar Arrow Mono
  • Checkmar Arrow Urinary tract and bladder infection
  • Checkmar Arrow Heartburn or indigestion
  • Checkmar Arrow STDs
  • Checkmar Arrow Allergy
  • Checkmar Arrow Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Checkmar Arrow Strep throat
  • Checkmar Arrow Sore throat
  • Checkmar Arrow Sinus congestion
  • Checkmar Arrow Flu
  • Checkmar Arrow COVID-19
  • Checkmar Arrow Cough
  • Checkmar Arrow Bronchitis
  • Checkmar Arrow Upper respiratory infection
  • Checkmar Arrow Pinkeye and stye
  • Checkmar Arrow Mono
  • Checkmar Arrow Urinary tract and bladder infection
  • Checkmar Arrow Heartburn or indigestion
  • Checkmar Arrow STDs
  • Checkmar Arrow Allergy
  • Checkmar Arrow Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

Tuberculosis (TB) testing

Walk-in Clinic NY offers two types of tuberculosis testing:

  • Checkmar Arrow PPD skin test

    This is a two-day skin test. A small portion of a purified protein derivative (PPD) is injected into the skin of the forearm. In 2 or 3 days, you should come back to the office so the doctor can check the skin reaction.
  • Checkmar Arrow Quantiferon blood test

    This is a blood test that is done in our office; results are available in 3 days. The results of the test can be emailed, or you can check them on your patient portal.

Physical exams

Walk-in Clinic NY offers a variety of physical exams:

  • Checkmar Arrow Sports physical
  • Checkmar Arrow College physical
  • Checkmar Arrow School physical

Tuberculosis (TB) testing

Walk-in Clinic NY offers two types of tuberculosis testing:

  • Checkmar Arrow PPD skin test
    This is a two-day skin test. A small portion of a purified protein derivative (PPD) is injected into the skin of the forearm. In 2 or 3 days, you should come back to the office so the doctor can check the skin reaction.
  • Checkmar Arrow Quantiferon blood test
    This is a blood test that is done in our office; results are available in 3 days. The results of the test can be emailed, or you can check them on your patient portal.

Physical exams

Walk-in Clinic NY offers a variety of physical exams:

  • Checkmar Arrow Sports physical
  • Checkmar Arrow College physical
  • Checkmar Arrow School physical

Welness screening and monitoring

Walk-in Clinic NY offers wellness exam testing and treatment for the following:

  • Checkmar Arrow Cholesterol
  • Checkmar Arrow Vaccinations
  • Checkmar Arrow Blood pressure
  • Checkmar Arrow Prescription refills
  • Checkmar Arrow Diabetes
  • Checkmar Arrow Smoking cessation
  • Checkmar Arrow Cholesterol
  • Checkmar Arrow Blood pressure
  • Checkmar Arrow Diabetes
  • Checkmar Arrow Vaccinations
  • Checkmar Arrow Prescription refills
  • Checkmar Arrow Smoking cessation

STD testing and treatment

Walk-in Clinic NY offers STD testing and treatment for a variety of conditions:

  • Checkmar Arrow HIV
  • Checkmar Arrow Syphilis
  • Checkmar Arrow Chlamydia
  • Checkmar Arrow Gonorrhea
  • Checkmar Arrow Hepatitis B and C
  • Checkmar Arrow Ureaplasma
  • Checkmar Arrow Mycoplasma
  • Checkmar Arrow Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
  • Checkmar Arrow Yeast infection

All possible types of testing-blood, urine, and swab (oral, rectal, vaginal) - are performed by our experienced doctor.

Minor trauma

Walk-in Clinic NY offers treatment and evaluation for minor traumas like these:

  • Checkmar Arrow Bug and tick bites or stings
  • Checkmar Arrow Cuts, blisters, and wounds
  • Checkmar Arrow Suture and staple removal
  • Checkmar Arrow Sprain, strain, and joint pain

We do NOT provide services for:

  • Checkmar Arrow broken bones
  • Checkmar Arrow eye injuries
  • Checkmar Arrow puncture wounds
  • Checkmar Arrow any injury that requires suturing (stitches)
  • Checkmar Arrow Bug and tick bites or stings
  • Checkmar Arrow Cuts, blisters, and wounds
  • Checkmar Arrow Suture and staple removal
  • Checkmar Arrow Sprain, strain, and joint pain

We do NOT provide services for:

  • Checkmar Arrow broken bones
  • Checkmar Arrow eye injuries
  • Checkmar Arrow puncture wounds
  • Checkmar Arrow any injury that requires suturing (stitches)

Telemedicine services

Walk-in Clinic NY offers telemedicine services for a variety of medical problems.

1 / 3

I was able to make appointment online and their affordable pricing left money in my pocket. I didn't plan on that.

Rachel S.


What is a walk-in clinic?

A walk-in clinic is any medical facility that accepts patients on a walk-in basis with no appointment required. Here are some examples:

  • Checkmar Arrow Urgent care clinics
  • Check Mark Primary care offices
  • Check Mark Retail clinics
  • Check Mark Free community clinics

When should I go to a walk-in clinic?

You can go to walk-in clinic for the same health problems you normally see your primary care doctor for, when they aren t available.

A walk-in clinic is an intermediate medical facility between a regular doctor s office and an emergency room (ER) for problems that require prompt care but don t constitute true emergencies.

Here are some examples of symptoms that are considered appropriate for evaluation at walk-in clinics:

  • Check Mark Flu-like symptoms, common cold, COVID 19
  • Check Mark Back pain
  • Check Mark Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Check Mark Skin rashes
  • Check Mark Abdominal pain
  • Check Mark Flu-like symptoms, common cold, COVID 19
  • Check Mark Back pain
  • Check Mark Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Check Mark Skin rashes
  • Check Mark Abdominal pain

Does a walk-in clinic cost less than an urgent care clinic?

A walk-in clinic costs at least 40% less than an urgent care clinic. A walk-in clinic is considered a more affordable option than urgent care clinics and emergency rooms. This is important for both self-pay and insured patients.

And it s is especially important for insured people with a high deductible.

  • Check Mark The deductible is the amount the patient must pay before insurance kicks in.
  • Check Mark The deductible amount will be billed to you as an additional charge after your doctor visit.
    The deductible amount is different for different facilities and depends on the code used.

Health insurance companies code and pay for the same type of visit (based on complexity) differently for an urgent care clinic than for a walk-in clinic. The charge by an urgent care clinic is 40% (at small facilities) to 120% (bigger facilities negotiate higher reimbursements) higher than at walk-in clinics. Emergency rooms charge even more.

Unlike for urgent care clinics, the billing codes for walk-in clinics are the same as for primary care physician offices the lowest possible.

This means that if you have a high-deductible plan, it is most affordable to be seen at a walk-in clinic rather than an urgent care clinic or emergency room. If you re not sure about your plan payment policy, your best bet is to go a walk-in clinic.

How is Walk-in Clinic NY different from other walk-in and urgent care clinics?

All patients are seen by a board-certified doctor

Walk-in clinics are criticized for providing low-quality care compared to emergency rooms. This happens because most walk-in clinics are staffed and run solely by mid-level practitioners: nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs). NPs and PAs get significantly less training than doctors, and that can affect quality of care.

However, at Walk-in Clinic NY, all patients are seen by a board-certified internal medicine physician who has been in practice for 20 years.

Convenient location on the east side of Manhattan

  • Check Mark Walk-in Clinic NY is conveniently located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan on Madison Avenue between 39th and 40th Streets.
  • Check Mark It is easily accessible by train (one block away from Grand Central Train Station) and other public transportation.
  • Check Mark It is a block away from the main branch of the New York Public Library, Bryant Park, and Morgan Library Museum.

Evening and weekend hours

Unlike most walk-in clinics (but similar to urgent care clinics), Walk-in Clinic NY offers extended evening and weekend hours.

  • Check Mark Walk-in Clinic NY stays open till 7 pm on weekdays
  • Check Mark Walk-in Clinic NY offers Saturday hours

Do you prescribe antibiotics at Walk-in Clinic NY?

Yes, a variety of antibiotics are frequently prescribed by our doctor after evaluation and testing if they are necessary.

  • Check Mark Evaluation consists of obtaining information from the patient (what we call taking a history ) and physical examination
  • Check Mark X-ray, blood, urine, and/or swab testing might be necessary to confirm the suspected diagnosis

Can I get a doctor s off-work/out-of-school note (medical excuse letter)?

This is one of the most common questions asked, so we ll explain in detail how and when a doctor s note is given at our clinic.

  • Check Mark Walk-in Clinic NY provides a doctor s note if it is medically appropriate that is, if the patient has a medical condition that requires a note.
  • Check Mark Our doctor will decide on the content of the note. The patient can make a suggestion, but the content of a note is ultimately at the doctor s discretion.

A doctor s medical note is written in very vague language without disclosing the diagnosis and symptoms.

  • Check Mark On a medical note, the starting off-work or out-of-school date is the date the patient is seen in our office.

We do not give medical excuse notes for past visits (even for the recent past).

  • Check Mark We can give medical notes for up to 7 days.

Can I get a refill on my medication?

Yes, we can prescribe the medication you take for various medical issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, thyroid conditions, and others. A refill can be given for a week, a month, or longer.

The only exception is controlled-substance medication. Please refer to that section for more information.

Controlled-substance medication FAQs

What is a controlled substance?

Some categories of medications are recognized as addictive with a high potential for abuse and are regulated by the Control Substance Act of 1970. They are called controlled substances.

Here are some controlled substances:

  • Check Mark Anxiety medication (Xanax, Klonopin, and others in the benzodiazepine group of medication)
  • Check Mark Painkillers that are narcotics (Percocet and morphine and its derivatives)
  • Check Mark Stimulants (Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, and others)
  • Check Mark Weight-loss medication (phentermine)

Do you prescribe controlled substances at Walk-in Clinic NY?

Yes, our doctor can prescribe any needed controlled substance.

How is a decision made regarding a controlled-substance prescription?

Our doctor carefully evaluates (via history and physical exam) each patient when a controlled-substance medication is requested.

Here are some examples of when we may prescribe a controlled substance:

  • Check Mark Recent fall with fracture or bruising (confirmed by physical exam or X ray)
  • Check Mark Sciatica pain confirmed by physical exam or MRI
  • Check Mark Death in the family (legal proof needed)

Can a patient request a prescription for a controlled substance?

We do not prescribe controlled substances based on a patient s request. We are not legally allowed to do so.

A controlled substance cannot be prescribed:

  • Check Mark If it helped in the past, and for that reason the patient is asking for it again
  • Check Mark If it was prescribed for years by another provider in another state or country

We prescribe controlled substances based only on medical necessity after careful evaluation based on the patient s history and physical examination.

What if the patient needs a controlled substance long-term?

Some patients need to be on a controlled substance for a prolonged time. A controlled substance can be prescribed long-term in such cases, but certain rules should be and are followed:

  • Check Mark Controlled substances can be given for only one month at a time
  • Check Mark They are usually not refillable: the patient needs to be frequently evaluated

If a long-term controlled-substance prescription is needed, a specialist may need to be contacted:

  • Check Mark A psychiatrist for a stimulant (e.g., Adderall or Vyvanse) or a medication in the benzodiazepine group (e.g., Xanax or Klonopin)
  • Check Mark A pain specialist or neurologist for chronic pain

We do not have a psychiatrist or pain specialist at Walk-in Clinic NY.

Contact Us

35 W 36 Street Suite 7 E,
(btw 5 & 6 Ave)
New York, 10018


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