The tuberculin skin test, commonly referred to as TB, PPD mantoux skin test, is the method
used to determine whether someone has exposure to tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is
a bacterial infection that affects the lungs. It is a treatable condition, but in some countries
it is still a common cause of death. The test will determine whether you are currently
infected or have been previously exposed to the tuberculosis bacteria.
Who needs to be tested?
It is recommended to people who have symptoms of TB, exposure to the person who is
to have a TB and health care workers who will be potentially dealing with people with low
immune system. Since disease can be contagious(via respiratory droplets), it has become
a standard requirement for new school or job applicants..
How is it done?
The test is performed as follows: disinfection of the testing site (normally the forearm),
our doctor will inject 0.1 ml of PPD (tuberculin purified protein derivative) into the top layer
of your forearm skin, and when done correctly, it will form a small blister at the site
of the injection.
How long does it take to get the results?
If you have had an exposure to TB in the past you will develop a positive reaction to skin
injection between 48 to 72 hours after administration. 2 to 3 days after the skin test you
need to come back to see our doctor read the test results and document it. Only after it
has been read is when you have completely fulfilled the tuberculosis skin test requirement,
provided you have a negative result. If you miss the 48-72 hours window for the reading,
unfortunately, you will have to redo the TB skin test.
How to read the test?
Interpretation of the PPD skin test will be determined by measuring in millimeters
the induration (the raised and palpable wheal formed after injection). The redness of
the wheal plays no role in the reading of your test. The normal range for a negative
tuberculosis skin test reaction in people with normal immune systems take place when
an induration is less than 15 mm- anything that is greater or equal to 15mm is considered
positive. Normal value ranges vary among people with underlying conditions
(i.e. diabetes, AIDS, cancer, kidney disease), therefore notify our doctor if you have any
health condition so you can be evaluated at the correct skin test range.
What does a positive test result mean?
If you have a positive TB test result, do not alarm yourself. A positive PPD result does not
necessarily mean that you have an active bacterial infection since people that have been
in contact with someone with TB will produce a positive reading, and exposure does not
translate into active infection. When you test positive, you will be asked to get a referal
for chest x-ray in order to rule out active TB. If the chest x-ray comes back negative, then
you will be given written clearance stating that there is no indication of presence
of tuberculosis in your lungs- active disease.
Is a tuberculosis skin test covered by my insurance?
The tests are oftentimes covered by most major insurances. If for some reason your
insurance does not cover the test, then our office can offer it to you for a simple fee of $60.
*Chest x-rays are not covered under this fee and varies depending on the radiology center*
What if i have a history of positive Tb test from the past?
You will benefit from coming to the Walk-In Clinic NY to get your PPD skin test done
because we understand that this requirement is time sensitive and relatively time
consuming (you need at least 3 days:test day and 48-72 hours waiting period for the results)
for acceptance of our patients into their new school or job. As a result, we offer you
same-day/next-day appointments on most weekdays, extended evening hours, and
Saturday appointments. Do not worry if you do not have a scheduled visit because we take
walk-ins throughout our office operating hours. We understand that starting school or
beginning a new job can be relatively expensive, the TB test is offered to you for a
minimal fee of $60.
Furthermore, our doctor can aid you in the complete process of obtaining medical clearance
for your school or job, as we offer physical examinations. You can get everything done-
physical, PPD test, MMR titers, etc.- all in one place at substantially low fees.
35 W 36 Street Suite 7 E, (btw 5 & 6 Ave) New York, 10018
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If insurance is not an option, your initial visit would be $90....or $84 if pay cash A variety of payment plans are accepted. Such include cash and credit/debit cards.
The following tests are included in the office visit price:Rapid strep test (for strep throat) and Urine dipstick (for bladder infection)
There will be additional charge if blood test, urine test or X-ray is done. Any tests that are necessary and could cost extra will be discussed with you by the doctor in advance.
We guarantee that you will never be surprised by a charge or hidden fees of any kind.